META: If you ask Wim Hof what is matcha good for, he will tell you. Wim is the extreme athlete who climbed Mt. Everest shirtless. He drinks green tea extract every day. Find out why.
Fun fact: Matcha was used by samurais and buddhists prior to meditation and battle to stay focused and sharp! (pun intended)
Athletes and public figures like Wim Hof, Ben Greenfield, and Kate Middleton drink matcha green tea for many reasons including prevention of chronic joint pain, energy levels, and fat burn-ability.
Matcha is a concentrated form of green tea in powder form. Lattes and smoothies that use this key ingredient are already popular among professional nutritionists and fitness leaders like Alexane Besse. These are 6 ways in which the combined forces of collagen, matcha, and blueberries can help you:
- Fight free radicals
- Rejuvenate your skin
- Relieve your joints
- Strengthen arteries
- Boost your energy
- Decimate fat
Here in this article we will show you why a blue matchogen smoothie is a good tactic for leveraging the nutritional wisdom of the society we live in.
1. Matcha: Free Radical Terminator
Skip over this if you know about the tiny atomic turds floating through your body. Free radicals are atomic waste in the form of loose electrons. One won’t cause much harm by itself, but once the body reaches a point called oxidative stress, an overabundance of these unstable radicals basically causes cells to start glitching.
Free radicals can damage DNA. This plays a role in the development of cancer and other health conditions. Cigarette smoking, constant shallow breathing, and UV exposure all cause free radicals.
The police force entrusted with rounding up these nefarious agents are your body’s antioxidants. Green tea has very high levels of a kind of antioxidant known as flavonoids. These flavonoids are produced by certain plants like the camellia plant that green tea and matcha come from.
2. Collagen: Time-Travel Machine for your Skin
Collagen is already in your body. It is the main protein that makes up your skin. However, you don’t produce it at the same rate your whole life. In your mid-20s, you may have noticed that your skin started staying in place more than it used to.
Dr. Garry Cussell, principal doctor at the Rejuvenation Clinics of Australia, says that starting around age 20, your dermis layer produces 1% less collagen each year. Hydration is an inherent part of this process, so if you make sure you are drinking a minimum of the 8 recommended cups daily, this will be a great help.
Ways you can slow down the aging process on your skin are:
Collagen’s skin benefits are widely known. It is less known that it is also a key component in your joints!
3. Collagen: Flex Better
Fun fact 2: Age beats up your joints way worse than other parts of your body. The CDC reported in 2015 that over 20% of adults over the age of 21 have arthritis. That likelihood doubles for people over the age of 60.
Inflammation is a bigger problem than pop culture realizes. It can boil to painful levels fueled by nothing but stress. Collagen provides support for your body’s cartilage production.
The global inflammation epidemic can be vicious. Once you have developed a condition like arthritis, which — again — can be triggered by nothing but stress, you can get stuck in a devastating rut. Many people who suffer from arthritis justify their unhealthy habits with the condition that put them there in the first place.
To de-escalate this vicious cycle, we want to pass along some tips that come highly recommended:
4. Blueberries: The Sweet Plumbers
Blueberries are one of the fruits with the most antioxidants. This means that they help matcha fight free radicals causing mayhem in your system. Blueberries get a ton of hype because they offer the human body quite a diverse package of benefits.
Founder’s Note: Matcha has far more antioxidants than Blueberries, but their combined efforts are lethal to those free radicals!
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that eating a cup of blueberries a day results in sustained improvements in vascular function and arterial stiffness. It makes enough of a difference to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by between 12 to 15 percent.
5. Matcha: Bump the Voltage
Unlike most teas, matcha green tea powder packs a noticeable wallop. Many say it compares to coffee. Unlike coffee however, matcha gives you a long, steady wave of energy rather than a spike and then a crash.
Matcha green tea has about half as much caffeine as coffee, but gives you the same amount of energy. The reason why is that this tea combines caffeine with L-theanine, an amino acid which interacts with caffeine to remove the jitters, crashes, cravings, or headaches you otherwise see in coffee. When combined, L-theanine softens the effect of caffeine to produce a much steadier rush. Caffeine lasts about one hour in your bloodstream without theanine compared to six hours with theanine.
Theanine is a rare amino acid found in the tea plant — also called the camellia — as well as the sasanqua plant. It is not known to exist anywhere else in the world. This compound is highest in younger plants than in older ones.
6. Matcha: Scorch Your Body Fat
Until recently, scientists believed that only babies had brown fat. This is a good kind of fat that explodes white fat — the kind you are probably familiar with. Your body produces it when you are exposed to cold temperatures.
Wim Hof recommends drinking green tea before plunging yourself in an ice bath because green tea can also boost your levels of brown fat! Keep in mind that matcha by itself is only going to have moderate weight loss results, but it can help support other efforts.
Things you can do to increase your brown fat:
Conclusion: Where Can I Buy Matcha Powder and Collagen?
Well obviously we want you to try us out! Our high-performance matcha comes directly from a tea farm in Japan where the plants are sustainably sourced and clipped from fresh buds. Whether we’re a good fit for you this time around or not, take a look at our recipes for latte and cocktail ideas that are healthy and delicious!